A safe comeback to ‘I love you’

A safe comeback to ‘I love you’


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‘I love you!’ is a phrase to crave for. Many men wish to hear these lovely words out of a beautiful woman’s mouth. When someone tells you how much she loves you, you feel like you own the world, including that person. There are different kinds of ‘I love you’, but here we are talking about those types of love confessions which come out hard and strong with the purpose of making you understand that she has heavy feelings for you.

Some men get scared when they hear their date or girlfriend declaring her love in such a fearless way. You might wonder why someone would get scared when he just received a love confession. Well, some men think that when a woman comes out of the closet and screams her love for him she wants to get the relationship to another level. Part of this is true, but women do so also for being emotionally opened and for finding out if it’s a mutual love.

If you are part of a fresh couple who dated just for a few months and she suddenly tells you that she loves you and it looks like she meant it, you might be in front of a hard task. It’s a great feeling to be loved, but how do you reply to something so hard to say, anyway? Keep in mind that she might have told you that she loves you to see if you do the same. In case you love her back, you should make her understand this. But how can you tell a woman that you love her back without losing all your attraction points and avoid turning into a Wussy?

A good comeback to a heartfelt “I love you!” is a cocky, evasive and funny attitude. You could try answering something like “I know.”. It seems a little arrogant, sure, but it’s evasive and keeps you on the controlling part of the relationship. You put on a silly smile when you tell her this, to make her understand that you’re just giving her a hard time.

With a cocky and funny attitude you can postpone getting serious for when you really need to. Remember, you dated her for only a few months, perhaps it’s not the time yet to ask her to be your wife, right? You still have to keep yourself strong and confident in this relationship, even if she left her guard down already. You could also try replies such as:

“I would do the same if I were you.”

“Who doesn’t?”

“So you’re really into me?”

“You should’ve done this already.”

“I don’t blame you.”

“It’s not your fault.”

All these replies might come to her a little too strong but if you complete them with the right body language which tells her that you’re just messing with her, you will cross that road safely.

Good luck! 

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