Confidence issues

Confidence issues


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I am always preaching confidence when talking and dating women, but truth is there are many men out there who are just not confident enough to do it naturally.

You may fake confidence when dating online, for instance, because she cannot see your body language or the way you talk, but in person confidence is hard to fake. The problem is you cannot and you should not fake self-confidence. Women are more intuitive than you may think and they can feel your weakness and insecurity so don’t try to be something you are not.

You might ask me now, so I have no chance of dating the woman I want just because I cannot seem confident enough? You don’t have to “seem” confident, you have to be confident. How do you do that? Only by practising you can manage to gain trust in yourself and stop being afraid of her reaction. You can earn experience only by meeting people and interacting with them. Start talking to strangers and try to strike up conversations with them. Sometimes it will work and other times you might get into awkward situations, but only if you try enough you can improve your personality. The good thing about talking to strangers is that you are not trying to impress them, and if you screw it up you will most likely never see them again, so don’t worry about doing it.

Once you have talked to women both online and in person long enough to find the technique that fits you best, you can invite out a woman you really like. As long as you don’t go back to being a wuss again, things will work out fine. Be funny and confident and she will definitely be attracted to you. You can also pay her an original compliment she may have never heard before and even take things to a more physical level. As long as she is also flirting with you, she will not stop you from kissing her, so take a chance and show her that you know what you want and how to get it.

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