How to make her say I love you

How to make her say I love you


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Love is one of the best feelings anyone can feel, if not actually the best. It shows all that is good in us and it gives us a sensation of comfort and safety, just like we feel at home. Saying “I love you” to your girlfriend is generally a frightening experience, but in the end, if you receive the same answer from her, all your fears will melt away and it will warm your heart.

Women are different

Everyone has good and bad relationship experiences and most certainly everyone has baggage from their previous relationships.

What are her issues with ex-boyfriends?

You have to know that since not all girls are alike, it’s possible that the manner in which you told one girl that you loved her, won’t be appreciated by others. You always have to take into consideration her traits and personality.

Does she need to be pushed so that she can be open about her feelings?

It’s hard to say I love you, especially if your girlfriend is the quiet type, you won’t be seeing her yelling it on the streets. It’s clear that you know her, unlike most people do, but you need to pay attention to how she generally expresses her feelings, only then can you think about how she will react when you drop the “L” bomb.

Take some steps

The best way to let her know that you love her is to take a step further in your relationship in advance, to prove to her that you are still going to be there in the future. A good example of what to do is to introduce her to your parents or some of your best friends, go on a trip together but try to arrange something nice and romantic, where you will have the opportunity to spend time alone and with no distractions whatsoever. No work, family, friends or Facebook.

You can try doing something for her, something that will show her that you pay attention to her and that you care, but ultimately love is not about getting her just to say I love you. If you want to hear it from her, you should tell her first how you feel.

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