Is chemistry supposed to happen instantly

Is chemistry supposed to happen instantly


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Is chemistry supposed to happen instantly?

In these times of freedom of sexual expressivity, we suppose that chemistry should reveal itself right from the first date, otherwise the relationship is a lost hope. Let’s take it easy. Love and attraction are different species.

-Lust or attraction, is something like a survival kit. Most of the time it’s an instant chemical bonding (chemistry) that keeps alive the world. I’m talking about the carnal desire that keep us perpetuating. It’s in our physical and carnal characteristics.

-Love is about emotions, intellect and spiritual bonding, something that takes place over time. Love is fed with closeness, confidence, selflessness and compassion. A romantic relationship is a combination of lust and love.

Before giving up any girl, take into consideration some aspects:

Lust might disappear, but love will get solid

Usually, people marry because they just feel so. But in a funny way, it’s discovered that arranged marriages have the tendency to last longer, be happier and finally, work out better than the chosen regular ones.

I’m not talking about picking someone as your wife like this, without any criteria. You should just realize that two people who discover that they have to work on emotions and attraction are like two people building a fire. You need patience and reciprocity. You need to acknowledge that your energy and time is invested in something about to be huge.

Base your relationship on love and respect and wait for the heat of familiarity to start up those flames that will gently spark over years.

Beauty is now, heart is forever

Take a break from the obsessive stereotype of the “movie star” looking woman. Of course, the surface attracts you at first, but that’s not the bonding ingredient in a serious relationship. That ingredient is about to be discovered in time, during the relationship. Plus, even if she’s very beautiful, you will get used to it and not notice it anymore. But if she’s not, you will discover day by day all her beautiful traits, as you learn her personality, character and soul.

Anyway, it’s pretty hard to find a really unattractive woman. All of them have little beautiful aspects. The girl you’re not noticing now, in some years might be perfectly looking and for this you’ll bite your fists.

Finding the right woman isn’t something achievable over-night. You have to dig a lot until you realize you struck pure gold. If you want a beautiful serious relationship, don’t panic if there was no magic touch from the first date. You might discover how amazing she really is only in time. 

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