Outfit advice for men

Outfit advice for men


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There is an old saying - “Judge a man by the shoes he wears.”.  This old quote should be updated to something like “Judge a man by his outfit.”. Why? Well because if you are going out on a date with a real woman, she will most probably judge more than your shoes. The thing is that at least, she won’t do it in a cheap and materialistic way, but just to get information about your personality and character.

As you too can realize, while in a conversation, is something natural to scan almost by impulse a woman’s style and outfit features. Well, she does it too, so pay attention.

Apart men, women are paying sometimes too much attention on their looks in order to achieve a perfect look. Finally, it kind of pays out if you try to put at least half of the effort that she does in choosing a killer outfit.

 1. A coat

I understand that it’s hard letting go to your old graphic teen t-shirts, but you could do something to give at least a hint that you’ve grown up a little.

If you insist on taking a fun t-shirt that makes you feel comfortable, pair it at least with a neat pair of jeans and a dark colored blazer. That blazer says you can be fun and serious as the situation asks.

2. The shoes

Believe it or not, women are interested more in the state your shoes are, not in the brand they are showing. If you opt for snickers, try something like Converse or Adidas, but look three times at their level of dirtiness before putting them on your feet.

Do not wear a pair of really fancy and inappropriate shoes, the same that you wore last time at a wedding. It’s a matter of bad taste if the location doesn’t fit.

3. Accessories

If you want to highlight some of your features with some accessories, it’s perfect, just don’t turn yourself into a Christmas tree. If you wear glasses, don’t be afraid to opt for a special and interesting frame. Or, if you are more of a scarf guy you can choose freely one of your most fascinating ones.

Do not wear chain necklaces. It doesn’t matter if it’s gold or decorated with Swarovski. Instead, you can go for watches, the occasional earring or a leather bracelet. Nothing more. 

Yes, dating is something hard enough only to think about it, but a little pre-thinking will only help you when you have to get ready for your date.

Remember to think outside the box and express yourself in the most appealing way. 

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