Reviving a lost spark

Reviving a lost spark


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Your dates always go great but the next day you are always receiving an e-mail or a phone call from the girl you’ve dated telling you that she wants to take things slowly or she apologizes for being too forward and that she has decided to take a break from dating.

These two types of reaction after a date may indicate the fact that women are feeling very attracted to you, but you do not know how to take things to the next level and so you are confusing them and they feel the need to excuse themselves.

If you go on a date with a woman but you do not do anything to increase the attraction and you just say ok, good night, you will scare her away. If you want to turn a woman on, you must take things to the next level.

Another way to lose spark is when you are in a relationship. For instance, you’ve been dating a beautiful woman and if at first things were ok, at a certain point you start being a wuss and you let her have all the power. Eventually she won’t feel challenged and she might leave you. You must stop calling her too often, take some time for yourself and don’t let her have all the power.

As stated in previous articles, women love an independent, self-confident man who makes them feel protected and safe. If you want to revive the lost spark, you must revive yourself first.

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