Summer romance.Part 2

Summer romance.Part 2


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First Opportunity

On holidays, if you want to meet someone, you must keep in mind that time is crucial. You only have a couple of weeks to meet a woman, make her trust you, become friends, and eventually start a fling. There are men who waste their time and avoid talking with the cute girl they met at the airport or who stays in the room next door. Then they start complaining that the best time of their holiday is at the end, when they have to leave.

You have to take advantage of the first opportunity you get. This is what you must do:

1. Act fast and make yourself noticed.

2. Be friendly, initiate small talks, not only with people whom you are interested in, but also with the locals and hotel employees. The latter are usually those who can guide you to the coolest nightspots. You will want to befriend them.

3. Get informed about organized local activities and join them.

4. When you meet someone you like, smile at her and see if she responds. If you wait for too long before talking to her, it will seem even weirder when you finally do it.

5. If you want to initiate a small talk with her, ask open-ended questions such as "Where are you from? What brings you to...? What interesting things have you done since you arrived?". The most important thing is to keep the conversation going and avoid boring her.

6. Be friendly with her friends and keep in mind that everyone there just wants to have fun.

7.  Become friends and do different activities together.

8.  Avoid being too pushy and remain mysterious.

9.  At first you want to be just friends, a fact that won’t happen if you are having sexual thoughts.

10. Don’t be shy because it will stop you from doing all the things you’d like to do.

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