The rotation theory

The rotation theory


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When men go to parties and find a woman they’re attracted to, they say that they’re going to do something about it. Most of the times they don’t and start blaming the woman for their failure. Men deceive themselves and say that the woman is stuck up, that she is a snob or that she is taken.

Obviously the problem doesn’t come from women, but from a man’s approaching style.

We present you some useful tips in order to get a woman interested.

The rules

  1. Don’t try to approach a woman who hasn’t given you the look. All women think that it doesn’t have to be love at first sight, but they need the chance to see you from a distance. You need to be careful not to impose yourself, because women will want to avoid you.
  2. If it’s the eye contact you lack, you can always find a mutual friend to introduce you two. It’s innocent and you are unimposing.  This method works best because you also manage to ensure that there is eye contact.

Your territory

Most of the time it’s the same story, a man and a woman meet at a party and the man thinks that he mustn’t leave her side so he doesn’t lose the chemistry.

Trial and error have shown that having a very exciting conversation for about 15 minutes and then playing the hard to get card or the shy one doesn’t get you the desired results. On the other hand, if when you first talk, you talk sensually to her, you will surely manage to create the right atmosphere.

Another great idea is to move around, after you have been introduced, or you introduced yourself try to avoid as much as possible having awkward moments and silence. This is mostly why you don’t manage to succeed so you have to be prepared. The only downside to being prepared is that you might seem that you rehearsed everything.

If you’re there with a group of friends don’t disconsider their presence because you will look highly concentrated on the woman and it will surely push her away. Introduce her to them, liven up the conversation and the atmosphere.

If you are rotating around the party or going to get a drink, give her some shy glances. But try not to overdo it.

If you are really interested in this woman don’t do more than three rotations and try to do them so you can make the last rotation at the near end of the party. Chances are that you will get her phone number which is a good thing, you could even get to walk or drive her home. 

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