Why she wont respond

Why she won’t respond


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Online dating is the perfect place to find the woman of your dreams. Why? Well, on the online dating sites you will know for sure that every woman’s profile is meant to attract a potential partner for long-term relationships and even marriages. Also, it might be hard to meet these women in your day-to-day life, but online dating sites make this easy since they can gather users from all over the world.

Still, even if you know that everybody signed up on an online dating site is looking for a partner, this doesn’t mean that each connection will be successful.

Sometimes you might have the first date with a woman after you already talked to her online for some time, only to discover that you overestimated her and that the chemistry isn’t really there. Of course, this might happen only if you are at least able to arrange a date.

Still, the biggest disappointment men experience is not going on a bad date. A man will feel hurt even more if he never gets a response from the messages they send to women they desire.

Why aren’t women responding to your messages? We will try and answer to this question in the following lines. Hopefully, after reading the rest of the article you will have more replies from the woman you want.

It might have nothing to do with you

There are so many reasons why a woman doesn’t respond to your messages. Since there are numerous possible explanations, you shouldn’t take anything personal.

1. A woman’s inbox is almost all the time full

Even those women who are not generally considered beautiful receive a handful of messages every day. If your target is a conventionally attractive woman you should know that she will receive at least 20 messages every day from different new matches. Moreover, extremely attractive women who live in metropolitan areas sometimes receive hundreds of new messages and emails a day.

Think about this and about the fact that those women already have existing conversations with some users. Imagine how much time and energy is needed to read and respond to all those messages that enlarge their number every day. If you sent a woman a message and she haven’t answered, perhaps she just lost the track of her inbox.

2. She’s busy doing other things

If a woman with a lot of free time still has little chance of getting to your message and reply, imagine a successful career woman with a busy life. Quality and valuable women have a full offline life and there remains very little time of living romance in the online dating, too. You should get a busy life too, instead of getting depressed that she doesn’t respond to your messages.

 3. Sometimes she doesn’t know how to respond

I used to chat with a woman who became a very good friend of mine. We would often have dinner together and share our stories from the online dating world. Once, she told me that she receive a very deep and beautiful message from a match who she felt that it might have been a good one. Still, she never answered to that guy’s message. Why? She blocked, she didn’t know what to answer and how to answer. Just like men, women sometimes experience those moments of paralyzing feelings which can block her from answering. In those moments, you should be a little persistent and make her come out of her shell.

It might be personal

Even if women might have plenty of reasons of not answering to your message, there still are cases when she won’t reply just because there is something wrong with your message or with your profile.

You should always keep an exciting profile and send personalized messages. Read her profile carefully before sending her the message. You should try and get to know her a little before composing one. In this way you make her realize that you really are interested in her as a person and as a woman.

The last advice is to never ever ever try and contact a woman with the message: “hi.”

There is no need to explain you why you shouldn’t, because you are already here, reading this article.

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