Are pickup lines working?
I have always wondered if pickup lines work or they are just lame. I never tried them because I thought I would look stupid, so when I pick up women I usually ask them a question or I am just being staightforward telling her that I would like to see her again. Should I try using some pickup lines as well?
Question from: Harley
Answer for: Are pickup lines working? from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
Many times pickup lines turn out to be lame conversation starters, and usually, smart women will not even look at you if you come up with a cheesy pick up line. However,if you are a funny guy who knows how to do it without looking stupid, then you are one of the guys who could definitely use this type of approach.
Once you turn a pickup line into something funny and she notices it, your chances of success have increased significantly. On the other side, if you say it like you mean it, most women will avoid you and think you are a creep.
You can try this type of stategy on several women and see how they respond. You can notice what went wrong and what you can improve on your pick up skills. In the end, every man has its own method of approaching women.