Relationship Tips

Relationship Tips


Meeting beautiful Romanian women for marriage

2013-09-11 Popularitate  

A Romanian woman has really strong family values and this is why some foreign men wish to start a family with them. Nowadays it is really easy to find a beautiful Romanian woman, especially on online dating websites such as

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Communication is the key to happiness

Communication is the key to happiness

2013-09-11 Popularitate  

Whenever you feel like you are not interested in her anymore, you should tell her about it and be honest. There is nothing more stressful for a woman than the lack of communication.

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American women vs. Romanian women

American women vs. Romanian women

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Romanian women are different from American women from many points of view but what they have in common with American men is that they feel underappreciated by locals and so, they choose to date each other.

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5 tips for dating foreigners

5 tips for dating foreigners

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Dating a foreigner is really fun, but only if you are open-minded enough to accept and embrace their culture.Your relationship should be a permanent exchange of experience and information which will make both of you grow and learn new things.

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Why are Romanian women better?

Why are Romanian women better?

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Romanian women are different than western women and that is why more men are choosing to date a caring, friendly and appreciative Romanian woman. This is just like a revolution of the western men against western values.

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Single Romanian women are unique

Single Romanian women are unique

2013-09-11 Popularitate  

Romanian women are something like modern Amazons. Strong, self-determined and family orientated they look for a man with the same qualities with whom they can start a family and build a future.

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Romanian girls - marriage material

Romanian girls - marriage material

2013-09-11 Popularitate  

Romanian women are the result of a wild and interesting Romanian history. Their Roman inheritance gives them dignity and mystery, whereas the cultural blending provides them with beauty and intellect. 

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The charm of Romanian women

The charm of Romanian women

2013-09-11 Popularitate  

About the difference between downtown women and small town girls. If you want to date a Romanian woman you should make the difference between these two types since each of them has different characteristics. 

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Romania�s stunning women

Romania�s stunning women

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Learn a thing or two about Romanian women and what they look for in a man in order to have a meaningful relationship. 

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Learn about Romanian women with Let�s Bond

Learn about Romanian women with Let�s Bond

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Romanian women are unforgettable and charismatic due to their European blood mixture which endowed them with a unique personality and gorgeous physical traits. How is Let’s Bond working in your favor when it comes to meeting Romanian women?

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How to find beautiful single Romanian women

How to find beautiful single Romanian women

2013-09-10 Popularitate  

Learn some stuff about how to meet Romanian women and girls through a simple, fast and cheap way, online. However, regardless of the way you meet your desired woman, act safe and respectful.

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About dating a beautiful Romanian girl

About dating a beautiful Romanian girl

2013-09-09 Popularitate  

Before you start dating Romanian women, you should learn a thing or two about their style of communicating. If you decide for an online date with a Romanian woman, act as you would to any other woman, but with increased respect.

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Romanian marriage agencies for real love

Romanian marriage agencies for real love

2013-09-09 Popularitate  

If you want to marry a Romanian woman, you have to know that this might be your best decision, ever. But how can you meet a Romanian woman who wants to have a long and meaningful relationship?

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Romantic long-term relationship with Romanian women

Romantic long-term relationship with Romanian women

2012-09-09 Popularitate  

What is it like to be with a Romanian woman? Is it great or bad to be involved in a romantic relationship with a beautiful Romanian woman? You can tell only after you experience it by yourself!

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5 efficient tricks to attract Romanian women

5 efficient tricks to attract Romanian women

2013-08-07 Popularitate  

Romanian women are highly desired for a romantic long-term relationship because they are beautiful, spiritual and intelligent. A relationship with a Romanian woman is a life changing experience for which you need to be properly prepared.

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How to date a Romanian woman online

How to date a Romanian woman online

2013-08-07 Popularitate  

Many men agree that dating Romanian women is highly satisfying since they are highly educated and intelligent women, blessed with an astonishing beauty. Learn how to date a Romanian woman online.

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Dating a Romanian woman

Dating a Romanian woman

2013-08-07 Popularitate  

Romanian girls are extremely beautiful and sympathetic. However, if you want to date one you have to be aware that a Romanian woman will settle for nothing less than the best so act confident and charming.

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Basic facts about Romanian women

Basic facts about Romanian women

2013-08-06 Popularitate  

Online dating websites such as make it easier for you to find an amazing Romanian woman to start a relationship with and maybe even marry. But first, here are some of their more important characteristics.

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Why I married a Romanian

Why I married a Romanian

2013-08-06 Popularitate  

If you ever considered dating a Romanian woman, but you were thinking that it would be too complicated to have a relationship with one, here is the experience of one man who met a Romanian woman on an online dating website.


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What is it so special about Romanian women?

What is it so special about Romanian women?

2013-08-06 Popularitate  

You may have heard that Romanian women are great and beautiful. Why do many people say that? Is there any truth in what they are saying? Find out here.

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Impressing a Romanian woman

Impressing a Romanian woman

2013-08-05 Popularitate  

Romanian women are really kind at heart and romantic and you can impress them only by showing them how much you care and appreciate them. Here are some tips on how to behave with your Romanian beauty.

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Why should you date a Romanian woman?

Why should you date a Romanian woman?

2013-08-05 Popularitate  

There are some subjective and objective reasons why you should meet a Romanian woman and start a relationship with her. Here are some of the most important reasons.


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Tips on impressing a Romanian woman

Tips on impressing a Romanian woman

2013-08-05 Popularitate  

If you decided you would like to start a family, but you don’t really know where you can find a great and responsible woman, you should try date a Romanian woman. Here’s how.

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A Romanian woman�s culture

A Romanian woman�s culture

2013-08-04 Popularitate  

If you are thinking about marrying a responsible, caring and loving woman, you should consider the Romanian ones. They are devoted wives and loving mothers who will protect their family at all costs.

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Why marry a Romanian woman?

Why marry a Romanian woman?

2013-08-04 Popularitate  

There are several reasons why a man should marry a Romanian woman. Of course, we cannot generalize, but most of them are responsible women looking for a serious and healthy relationship.

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Romanian women looking for husband

Romanian women looking for husband

2013-08-03 Popularitate  

Romanian women who are looking for a husband are many times resorting to online dating websites and now it’s easier than ever to contact them and start a serious relationship.

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Romanian women on online dating websites

Romanian women on online dating websites

2013-08-03 Popularitate  

Dating Romanian girls is easier than ever before thanks to online dating websites such as Find out how you can meet beautiful and nice Romanian women.

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Tips to attract Romanian women

Tips to attract Romanian women

2013-08-04 Popularitate  

If you want to find you soulmate and you can’t, you can resort to dating women from other countries, such as Romania who is well-known for her beautiful, yet complicated women. These are some tips to attract them.

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The way Romanian women think

The way Romanian women think

2013-08-03 Popularitate  

If you want to date a Romanian girl, there are some things you need to know about the way they think in order to better understand them.

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About Romanian girls

About Romanian girls

2013-08-02 Popularitate  

Many men would like to meet an exotic, sensual and intelligent woman. Why not try a Romanian one? Here are some of their traits which make them a really great catch.

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Using a Romanian dating agency

Using a Romanian dating agency

2013-08-03 Popularitate  

Romanian dating agencies had a hard beginning, but once their clients noticed some results, they gained more trust. Regardless of your methods, if you believe in love and in your happiness, you will meet that person by any means.

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Choose a Romanian woman

Choose a Romanian woman

2013-08-02 Popularitate  

Choosing a Romanian woman as a partner might be the best decision you have ever taken because they are beautiful, intelligent and full of life. Here are some other characteristic which will make you go crazy after them.

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How to attract a Romanian woman

How to attract a Romanian woman

2013-08-02 Popularitate  

Romanian women are passionate and loving partners, but you should know some things about them before trying to pick them up. Here are some tips on how to get a Romanian woman interested in you.

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10 tricks to impress a Romanian woman

10 tricks to impress a Romanian woman

2013-08-02 Popularitate  

Romanian women are one of a kind. For example, a Romanian woman will appreciate your gesture each time you buy her flowers or call her that you arrive late for dinner. Learn how to impress a Romanian woman.

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About Romanian girls and how to meet them

About Romanian girls and how to meet them

2013-08-02 Popularitate  

Romanian girls are raised to be the perfect wives but you must be sure that you want to choose a Romanian woman as they see men as the head of the family and expect you to assume that responsibility.

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Approaching women

Approaching women

2013-08-01 Popularitate  

Most men stress out when it comes to approaching women, without realizing that the plain fact that they started a conversation with her is already a win. Not every woman you meet must agree to date you, but you can enjoy the conversation.

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Planning a birthday party

Planning a birthday party

2013-08-01 Popularitate  

Planning a birthday party for her might not seem easy but as long as you cover the essentials such as food, drinks and those she loves around her, all you have to worry about is how to have fun together.

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Why men date difficult women

Why men date difficult women

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Dating difficult women usually occurs when you keep dating the same type of women, be it a gold digger, a nympho or a liar, you do it because you have unsolved issues with yourself which you are too afraid to solve.

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Ending it early

Ending it early

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

If you are in the beginning of a relationship and you want to end things, it’s fair straight forward and not caring about her. Besides the fact that you owe her at least that, you must also take care of your reputation.

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The biggest dating fail

The biggest dating fail

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

When meeting a woman for the first time, it is natural to get nervous, especially if she is attractive but you shouldn’t act like the guy depicted in the article. If you do, all you can obtain is an angry and bored-to-death date.

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Advice for a better connection with women

Advice for a better connection with women

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Every woman is a world ready to be explored. Do you know how to relate to a woman’s emotions and life? Connect and empathize with a woman following some simple guidelines.

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Kindly break up with her

Kindly break up with her

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

If you feel that your relationship is not going anywhere, you mustn’t waste your time. It will be better for both of you if you break up and you can find someone with whom you will be better with.

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When you argue with your better half

When you argue with your better half

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

Having an argument with your loved one is tough and annoying. How can you get over a fight without losing all your self-esteem and get scar-free? Here you have some tips on how to deal with a couple fight.

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Breaking up in your 30�s

Breaking up in your 30�s

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Once you are in your 30’s it is not as easy to move on after a break up as it is when you are 20, but you have to be mature about it and take it as it is. Relationships may end regardless of how old you are; just make sure you do not give up to the idea of finding The One someday.

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Is she really the ideal girl?

Is she really the ideal girl?

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Sometimes men get stuck on a certain girl and cannot move on because they idealize her. What can you do to wake up and start seeing her as a person again?

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Deal with her ex

Deal with her ex

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

When dating a woman who is still friends with her ex you must know which kind of situation you are in. If she really is just friends with him befriend him but if she is not over him you must deal with it in a proper manner.

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How to be chivalrous

How to be chivalrous

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

Women love to be treated with respect, attention and romance and this means acting in a chivalrous manner. Is chivalry still in? How can you act chivalrous without being dull or cheesy? Learn more here. 

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How to date her twice

How to date her twice

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

Going out on a first date is a pretty stressful idea, since you have to make sure that you impress her enough for getting her to accept a second date with you. Follow some simple tips and you will date her twice, at least!

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Save a date that has gone wrong

Save a date that has gone wrong

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

Men who go on dates being too nervous end up ignoring their partners or not reacting as they should on what she says. If you want to find a way to save your date after being too nervous, you will have to settle another date, right then.

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Can a fling turn into a relationship?

Can a fling turn into a relationship?

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

Most relationships nowadays start by randomly hooking up with a person we then realize we like spending time with. But how does this transition from a fling to a serious relationship occur and how can you overcome it without feeling awkward?

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The laws of attraction

The laws of attraction

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

People always talk about attraction and finding “The One”, but how does chemistry happen and why do people fall in love? Are the chasing after a certain type of woman and when they find it, they fall in love, or are there no rules? 

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The art of texting

The art of texting

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Online dating and texting are great starting points for you to build on your confidence and develop you social skills, but is texting enough to get a woman interested in you?

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Some basic rules of breaking up

Some basic rules of breaking up

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

There comes a time when you realize you are not comfortable in your relationship anymore and you want to break up. There is never a perfect time to do it, but there is always a right way to do it.

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Perfect Valentine�s Day

Perfect Valentine�s Day

2013-07-31 Popularitate  

Valentine’s Day might not mean much for men but for women it is really important and that is why you have to prepare a perfect day and evening for her with the help of something most couples lack and that is romance.

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The unapproachable girl

The unapproachable girl

2013-07-30 Popularitate  

There is this girl who does not seem interested in any guy, and, as a man you automatically like her precisely because she is harder to get. However, even an unapproachable girl can become interested in you if you press the right buttons.

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Dating above your means

Dating above your means

2013-07-29 Popularitate  

Many men try to impress women by resorting to money, money they don’t necessarily have and that is not a good thing. You must always date within your means if you want her to truly appreciate you and fall in love with you.

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Plans for Christmas

Plans for Christmas

2013-07-29 Popularitate  

Spending Christmas with your girlfriend is something you dreamed about since the beginning of the relationship. The only problem is that your parents and her parents too are waiting for the both of you to visit them. 

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How to break up with someone

How to break up with someone

2013-07-29 Popularitate  

Breaking up with someone is never easy and most people choose the simplest way out, which is not necessarily the right method. These are some tips to help you break up in a proper manner with your girlfriend.

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How to ask her to marry you

How to ask her to marry you

2013-07-29 Popularitate  

When you know, you know. How can you propose to the woman of your life? Fight all your fears and the cold feet syndrome and ask her to marry you if she is The One. 

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How to pick the right woman?

How to pick the right woman?

2013-07-29 Popularitate  

When you get the attention of many women your standards change and you want the best girl there is, just for you. Here are some tips on how to you can find a woman who fits you perfectly.

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Dating a MILF

Dating a MILF

2013-07-28 Popularitate  

Many men dream of dating a MILF and always imagine her as a very sensual woman, but there is more to it than that.  Here are some tips on how to pick up a single mom.

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Having an affair with a married woman

Having an affair with a married woman

2013-07-28 Popularitate  

We all had that one fantasy of having a one-night-stand with a married woman who would approach us casually in a bar. Should you accept her invitation or think twice about it?

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When women give men power

When women give men power

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

When they are in their 20’s women seem to think that everything revolves around them and they are not as approachable as when they’re in their 30’s. Why does that happen and how can you benefit from it?

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She wants to start a family

She wants to start a family

2013-07-28 Popularitate  

No matter how serious your relationship has got, you are still not ready to become a father, even though your girlfriend wants to start a family. What can you do?

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Avoid the awkward moments after intercourse

Avoid the awkward moments after intercourse

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

Like it or not, after having sex with someone for the first time, there are always awkward moments. That is why it is best for you to communicate openly. Only by having a conversation and an action plan can you minimize the awkwardness.

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How to empathize

How to empathize

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

As men we have to learn to empathize with our women in order to understand their feelings and how we can solve our relationship issues.

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Multiple sex partners

Multiple sex partners

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

Sleeping with more than one woman at a time seems to be every man’s dream but there are cases in which a man cannot handle it and so, instead of hurting himself and everyone else, he shouldn’t have multiple partners.

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Does she like me?

Does she like me?

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

Whenever we fall for a woman we start asking ourselves constantly whether she likes us as well or not.  What is the solution to these insecure thoughts we have?

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The money conversation

The money conversation

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

Most men feel that they have to impress women with their money to win them over but this is not true and if you sell them an illusion you will only disappoint them when you will have the money conversation.

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How do you keep her once you got her?

How do you keep her once you got her?

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

You may have succeeded in making her fall for you, but this is no guarantee she will lose her interest and move on to the next guy. Make sure you know how to keep her interested in you by surprising her.

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How to get a woman who rejected you

How to get a woman who rejected you

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

You may have made a mistake on the first date and she lost interest in you. Is there some way you can fix the problem? Here are some tips on how you can make her change her mind.

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How to get a woman attracted to you

How to get a woman attracted to you

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Chemistry is a valuable ingredient in attracting a woman, but there are some tricks and moves which might make her want you. Use your body language and your personality to attract beautiful women.

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Meeting women who make a difference

Meeting women who make a difference

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Real and special women are rare and seem to be hard to win over. If you get the chance to meet a 10, you should know that she will appreciate a confident and sincere man who will make her smile and feel good. 

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How to start dating again

How to start dating again

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

When you stop dating for a long time you feel like you have lost your ability to behave around women. Here are some tips on how to get back in the game.

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Meeting women at common places and night clubs

Meeting women at common places and night clubs

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

Meeting women in bars and nightclubs is harder than meeting women in common settings. No matter what, you shouldn’t be intimidated, but you should start a conversation because you have nothing to lose. Practice makes perfect.

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Women should take initiative too

Women should take initiative too

2013-07-27 Popularitate  

Women should be taught how to love and act in a relationship for it to develop wonderfully. Men get tired of making all the hard work in the mating ritual so women should also take some initiative.

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Sexting: When and How?

Sexting: When and How?

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Whether routine has infiltrated into your sexual life or you are simply attracted to a woman, you should know that sexting can be very dangerous unless you do it with the right person.

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Maintaining control in a relationship

Maintaining control in a relationship

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

Women are looking for a man with attitude and the ability of taking control over every situation. If you decide to date a woman but you are afraid of losing your control, this article might come in handy.

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Being yourself

Being yourself

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Whether you are learning techniques on how to attract women in the real world or you write interesting first e-mails to attract women online, it doesn’t mean that you are being someone else instead of being yourself.

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Don�t be a jerk

Don�t be a jerk

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Women are attracted to bad guys and that is why it is best for you to learn how to be cocky and funny and how to tease her, without being an actual jerk. You must know how to avoid exaggerated comments and also how to recover after a mistake.

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Do men really need to take women out on dates?

Do men really need to take women out on dates?

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

If you want to attract a woman, you do not necessarily have to take her out on too many dates. All you have to know is how to trigger the attraction between you in order to draw her attention and you won’t have to worry about taking her out.

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Reviving a lost spark

Reviving a lost spark

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

When dating a woman they are really attracted to, men tend to turn into wussies and forget to take things to the next level or give the woman the entire power when in a relationship and so, they lose the spark.

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2013-07-25 Popularitate  

Sometimes being nice is not enough to get a girl interested in you. Even worse, she might consider you as her friend or brother and avoid going out alone with you.

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Bachelor party gone crazy

Bachelor party gone crazy

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

You are in charge with organizing your friend’s bachelor party and you know things might get crazy. What should you think about when things might get out of control?

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Winning the woman you want

Winning over the woman you want

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Sometimes in life you find yourself competing for the woman you like. No matter how the competition looks like, your attitude is the most important weapon you have.

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Does she want me for my money?

Does she want me for my money?

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Being wealthy may cause you troubles when trying to find a woman who loves you for who you are. Here are some tips on how to avoid gold diggers from fooling you into believing they love you.

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Long-Distance Dating

Long-Distance Dating

2013-07-26 Popularitate  

Many people believe that distance ruins any type of relationship, but there is a difference between long-distance relationships and long-distance dating. Here are some of the advantages of enjoying long-distance dating.

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Forgetting about Valentine�s Day

Forgetting about Valentine�s Day

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

Valentine’s Day should be a special day even for men because it is the perfect opportunity to show her just how much she means to you. But what happens if you forget about it?

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Keeping your composure

Keeping your composure

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

If you want to be successful in attracting women or starting a conversation with a woman, you must keep your composure and watch out for the body language which can send small signals that can be interpreted in different ways.

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Do you know how to talk to her?

Do you know how to talk to her?

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

Men are always wondering what is the key to a woman’s heart and how can they awake their interest. The answer is as simple as it can be: knowing how to communicate with them. 

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Don�t be a wuss

Don�t be a wuss

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

Being a wuss will only ensure you a relationship meltdown. Women do not like wussy men. They want a man who is strong and confident, with whom they can feel safe and protected. 

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When you�re going too far

When you�re going too far

2013-07-25 Popularitate  

You have to fake it till you make it, right? Well, being all cocky, evasive and funny is a great way of getting a woman’s attention but what do you do when you go too far? Avoid being a wussy and get her back like a man.

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A safe comeback to �I love you�

A safe comeback to �I love you�

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

Being told that you are loved gives you such an ego boost, that you feel like you own the world. But how can you respond to a woman when she makes you a love confession, without turning into a Wussy?

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A guide for a romantic evening

A guide for a romantic evening

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

If you want to romance your girlfriend leave out hotels or restaurants and cook for her and create a romantic mood at home. Don’t make the romance last for only one night. Prepare everything before she comes home and keep it going.

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Stop acting like a wussy

Stop acting like a wussy

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

Women are attracted to generous and self-confident men. If you make the constant mistake of acting like a Wussy with the hope that you will win her over in this way, think again. Show her that you are nice, but also strong.

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Unexpected break-up

Unexpected break-up

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

Breaking up right before getting married is pretty painful, especially when she is the one who ends the relationship. Before blaming her, think about what might have led to this and improve yourself. 

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How to avoid getting back to the wussy behavior

How to avoid getting back to the wussy behavior

2013-07-24 Popularitate  

When a man falls for a woman, he risks turning into a wussy just because he can’t help but show her affection and ask for attention. Learn how to stay a strong confident man even if you would secretly call her ”Honey Bunny”. 

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Waiting for miss right

Waiting for miss right

2013-07-23 Popularitate  

When you are searching for Miss Right you must be attentive and patient. Do not give up even if you are having difficulties in finding her. Get to know yourself and find the one with whom you can be perfect.

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Open-Ended Questions For Her

Open-Ended Questions For Her

2013-07-23 Popularitate  

Women love to talk about themselves and if you are on a first date, you should learn how to ask the right questions. Open-ended questions are an excellent way of getting to know her in-depth and having a great date.

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Can you go back to being friends?

Can you go back to being friends?

2013-07-23 Popularitate  

Getting back to the just friends relationship status with a friend with benefits might be hard and sometimes might never happen. That is why you should know when to keep trying and when to give up.

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Usefull Tips/Articles

10 tricks to impress a Romanian woman
10 tricks to impress a Romanian woman

Romanian women are one of a kind. For example, a Romanian woman will appreciate your gesture each time you buy her flowers or call her that you arrive late for dinner. Learn how to impress a Romanian woman.

Your ex �likes� your Facebook posts
Your ex �likes� your Facebook posts

Facebook is a delicate social medium for past relationships and sometimes can give you the wrong idea. Why is your ex-girlfriend “liking” your posts on Facebook? What does she want?  

Example of a good online dating profile for attracting women
Example of a good online dating profile for attracting women

There are many bad examples of online dating profiles out there that get skipped over by women because they’re not interesting or catchy, but there are also some good examples you can follow in order to create your dating profile.

Why I married a Romanian
Why I married a Romanian

If you ever considered dating a Romanian woman, but you were thinking that it would be too complicated to have a relationship with one, here is the experience of one man who met a Romanian woman on an online dating website.


body language-Men's flirt
Body language-Men's flirt

It is difficult to know when a man is flirting as you must read his body language. Although women use it too, men send mixt messages that is why it is important to know what he tries to tell you.

Find your soulmate