Are women always testing men?
I know that women have a different approach when dating men, but do you believe that dating them is a continuous test? Are they really judging us according to every answer we give them and every gesture we make? How can a man pass all these tests?
Question from: Jim
Answer for: Are women always testing men? from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
Women are always trying to take control of the man, but not because they want to dominate, but because many times, without being aware of it, they want to test the man and see if he can be dominant in a relationship. By dominant I do not mean controlling or violent, this is not what a real man should mean, but being able to show he is a strong man who is able not necessarily to stand up the world on her behalf, but at least stand up to her.
A woman does not need a man who will do anything to please her and be her puppy. She needs a strong man to protect her and always take her side against the world if necessary. This is why they are testing men; they want to make sure he lives up to their expectations and he is not a weak and needy partner.