Attractive men attract gorgeous women?
Is it true that in order to attract a gorgeous woman you need to be at least as attractive as she is?
Question from: Robert
Answer for: Attractive men attract gorgeous women? from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
First of all, attractiveness is not everything. Of course, there are many handsome men who can easily find a woman because of their looks, but a great woman will never take into consideration only the way a man looks like.
Most men that I know and who are successful with women look rather average than extremely handsome. Their key is the confidence and expertise with women. The more women you meet, the pickier you get and you cannot settle with someone you are not sure you enjoy spending time with.
Moreover, this goes the same with women. Just because they are gorgeous it does not mean that they have their life figured out and they know what they want. It is possible that this hot woman you may meet is not fit for you precisely because attractiveness is but one advantage.
As long as you are confident and have the right attitude which you can only develop in time, you can easily get any woman attracted to you.