Calling a woman
How many days should a man wait before calling a woman?
Question from: Bernard
Answer for: Calling a woman from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
This is one of the questions I hear most. Well, my golden rule is that you have to wait at least one day, but no more than a few. The important thing is not when you call her but how often do you do it and what do you say when you call her.
This is clear, but I would like to tell you about the psychological fact that women like to give their phone number, whereas I prefer getting their e-mail addresses.
First of all, it is obvious that beautiful women are approached by men on a regular basis and they have plenty of men to choose from. That is why, women give their phone numbers to men because every time a man calls, they can answer them in a flaky way just to make themselves feel good.
They feel good because of the fact that there are so many guys calling, and only they have the power to accept or reject them, which is really good for self-appreciation. Moreover, they can use the calls to get attention from her friends when she goes and complains to them that they are constantly harassed by men.
No all women do this and not all women are bad, but that is why I like to get their e-mail addresses.
Keep in mind that I’ve tried various things when trying to find a solution to this “hot and cold” situation with women who act one way when you meet them and in a totally different way when you call them. If you ask for their e-mail, not only do you differentiate yourself, but you also increase your chances of hearing back from her.