Dealing with multiple women
I have met many women but most of them want me to commit to them, but I am not ready for a relationship now. They do not agree when I explain it to them and call me selfish or ask me to leave. That is why I am asking you how can I deal with multiple girlfriends?
Question from: Caleb
Answer for: Dealing with multiple women from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
If you have just discovered the joy of attracting women with the cocky and funny technique and you want to enjoy it more and not enter in a serious relationship, avoid acting like a boyfriend. You shouldn’t call a woman with whom you want to have just a sexual relationship more than once or twice a week and you should never talk on the phone more than 5-10 minutes. This might seem too simple but women enjoy sex just as much as men and if she knows from the beginning that this is all you want, she will accept it with more ease.
The problems tend to show up when you call her on a daily basis, see each other often and you start acting like you really care for her. This is how you make a woman become attached to you and she might think that you are heading towards a committed relationship.