Dealing with rejection
Sometimes women like to put men in uncomfortable situations and sometimes it seems like their only goal is to humiliate you when you try to approach them. How can you overcome this kind of situation?
Question from: Charlie
Answer for: Dealing with rejection from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
Sometimes women are very sensitive when men try to approach them or they are just in a bad mood and they turn everything against you.
The only thing you can do in this kind of situation is to stay calm and try to be funny and ironic. If she tells you that you think you are too smart, you can tell her you are glad she noticed. Or, if she accuses you of being a player you can say something like: “Now I understand why you like me so much”.
Sometimes, these types of lines are effective and make them smile and in some other cases she will just stop talking to you, but you still walk away with your pride intact. No matter what she says to you to bring you down, do not take it too personally. Women are sometimes not in the mood to be picked up and start to get a bit aggressive, but most of the times you can realize a woman is not receptive beforehand and you can avoid this kind of situation.