Do women like sex as much as men do?
I have always wondered if women love sex as much as men do. Don’t they need it as much as we do?
Question from: Gavin
Answer for: Do women like sex as much as men do? from Men Advice Team answers:
Some men find it really hard to accept that women love sex just as much as they do or sometimes even more. All you have to do is just to open a women’s magazine or a romance novel at any chapter and you will realize just how much women think about sex.
Of course, they are more sensitive than men and many times they think of it as an act of love between two lovers. For them it is something beautiful and magic, especially when they are with the guy they really love. But then again, men feel the same thing when they are with their other half.
Sex is a natural thing which happens between two people who are attracted to each other. Men and women are not as different as you may think. We all need passion and love in our lives and women know exactly when and how they want it.