Evict the inner wuss
How I can evict my inner wuss and stimulate attraction in my wife? This woman has seen me as a wuss until now so I don’t want to walk out of the relationship or introduce distance after 12 years of marriage, but I would love to find out more about attracting her.
Question from: Craig
Answer for: Evict the inner wuss from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
Well, you will have to evict your inner wuss more and more over time if you want to become interesting again to your wife. But the basic principle on which you have to guide yourself when doing that is: playing with a dog.
Have you ever played with a dog? How do you make a dog play with you?
You chase him and then you run away and the dog starts chasing you. When the dog gets tired you chase it a little again and then run away some more.
Practice it and you will see it will work. For more information read our article section on www.Letsbond.com .