Extra first date ideas

Extra first date ideas


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Most men are not really original when it comes to first dates and in most cases they take a woman out to dinner, but what if I tell you there are some other activities you can do on a first date?

Bowling: Most towns have a bowling alley so take your date on a casual date and have fun during a friendly competition. She will feel relaxed and have fun so the chances of getting a second date increase,

Hiking: This type of physical activity could really create a bond between you; just make sure she’s the type of girl who enjoys outdoor activities.

Aquarium: They are not just for children, but also perfect for a first date. Walking casually around the underwater creatures will make things interesting.

The theater: Taking her to see a play is more original than seeing a movie during which you will just sit in the dark and won’t have a chance to talk. The intermissions during a play will give you a chance to chat and get to know her tastes better.

Driving range: This is another physical activity which you might enjoy, especially if she is not a golfer. It’s the perfect opportunity to help her with her swing and get closer.

Art gallery: She would definitely appreciate this type of date, especially if she’s into arts. It’s the perfect opportunity to see what she likes and also for you to seem at least a little knowledgeable. 

Concert: Even if there is no great concert in your area there must be at least a local band playing in cosy pub. Take her there and enjoy the music for the night; just make sure it’s the type of music you’d like to listen to on your first date.

Visiting: Most of the time we take our cities and towns for granted, but now it’s the perfect time to explore it and notice its beauty. Embark on a journey around the city with your date and you will have a great time.

Ice-skating: This kind of activity is really fun even if she does not know how to skate. It’s the perfect opportunity to hold her hand, help her stay on her feet and teach her to skate.

Trying new cuisine: Experimenting a new type of cuisine on a first date is great, but first you should ask your friends for an advice or look it up on the Internet to make sure it will be a great experience.

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