Get back in the game
How can a guy get back in the game after being stuck in a “dry spell”?
Question from: Julian
Answer for: Get back in the game from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
Recently, I have been receiving lots of e-mails from men who used to be good with women but who have now turned into wussbags. This proves that even if you are successful with women and you know how to be successful, you can still lose your touch.
On the other hand, men who have not had so much success with women use this as an excuse for not being successful: they just assume that some guys have something that women want.
The irony is that even if you are now successful with women, it doesn’t mean that you will also be like that in the future. You can always lose it by becoming a wussbag.
The main advantage is that once you get it, you finally understand how things go with women and learn how to do illogical things that can make a woman attracted to you, things will change.
Keep in mind that attraction is a science and once you understand how it works, it won’t be about “hot streaks” and “dry spells”. You will be able to replicate the results at your will.