Get her phone number in just a few minutes
I have a hard time believing that you can make a woman give you her phone number within minutes of meeting her. Can you give me more details?
Question from: Eric
Answer for: Get her phone number in just a few minutes from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
I understand your lack of confidence in what I am saying. In the past I wouldn’t have believed it either that a man can get a woman’s phone number in minutes after meeting. Then I saw a couple of women actually doing it. After seeing it happen, I have completely changed my opinion about the fact that you can’t get a woman’s number in just a few minutes. All you have to do is to be confident and take action.
The next time you talk to a woman simply tell her that you enjoyed talking to her but that you have to get back to your routine and just as you are turning away, ask her if she has an e-mail address. After she says yes, take out a pen and a piece of paper and give them to her without saying a thing, but waiting for her to write you down her e-mail address. When she does it, tell her that it was nice talking to her and you will speak again when you will have more time, after which you just walk away.
Once you get started with the e-mail, you can also ask for their phone number. It is not that hard. If you get both her phone number and e-mail address, never call and e-mail the same day.