How can you tell if she is interested?
I have not been dating a lot in my life and this is exactly why i would like to know how you can tell if a woman is interested in you or not. Are there some specific gestures which reflect her interest?
Question from: Philip
Answer for: How can you tell if she is interested? from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
Of course there are some signs and they are pretty obvious. If a woman enjoys talking to you and she tries to keep the conversation flowing, then she is interested in you. It is as simple as that.
A woman who could not care less about you, or is not attracted to you in any way will look bored and uncomfortable. You will definitely notice it. However, do not panic when you hit a conversational dead end, this happens, especially in the beginning when you do not really know what to talk about. But you observe her attitude, if she seems interested in what you have to say, asks you questions and pays attention to everything then she is definitely into you.
You can put yourself into her shoes. If you would not be interested in a woman, would not you also be bored and eager to end the date? Women are not so different from men, so do not worry about the signs; you will notice them.