How to date on a budget

How to date on a budget


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Dating is a great experience and probably the best way in which you can get to know someone. Going to nice dinners, late movies, wearing fancy clothes and new haircuts can really put a hole in your budget.

If you take into consideration all your expenses, a dating budget might not be such a priority. But there are things that you can do and places you can go to in which you won’t have to cut down on the fun.

Free events

Every city has its fair share of free events and they put at your disposal numerous activities that you can take full advantage of. Pay attention to local bulletin boards, check your city’s websites and posters spread around town. Don’t forget to check the entrance fees.

Use these local outdoor day activities and take a woman out to one of them, go rollerblading in the park, go stargazing, spend a day at the beach and watch the sunset from a dock. Go to a farmer's market, which is generally cheaper than supermarkets, and pick some ingredients to cook later.

If you are not the outdoorsy type of guy you can ask your date to come over for a board game night, if for example, you are a musician, try giving her a guitar lesson, or just call her over to watch your favorite Wednesday night TV show, if she doesn’t know it, fill her in on what’s been going on until that moment, that is if she wants to hear a spoiler.

Cooking at home

Cooking at home is a really romantic thing to do and it gives the two of you more privacy than any restaurant you can go to. You can try to relive your first date by making the meal you had. It’s even better if you have a backyard, you can create a lovely spot with blankets and a bottle of wine. You can also plan a group date at home and ask the other couples to bring a dish.

In the case you really want to go to a restaurant, share the appetizer and split the entrée, it will help you save some money because some restaurants give you large amounts of food that you may find impossible to finish in one evening.

Planning is everything

It is vital to plan in advance so that the two of you can share a wonderful date together without spending too much money. You can try to pay attention to your local restaurants to see which of them offer special menus that day.

You see, dating doesn’t have to be an expensive experience, you just have to keep your eyes open for possibilities and take full advantage of them. This will help you save money and you will still have a great time with your date.

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