How to make a woman come to your place?
When I meet a woman I really like and enjoy spending time with I have this problem of taking her back to my place. How can I make her feel more comfortable about getting intimate with me?
Question from: Wyatt
Answer for: How to make a woman come to your place? from Men Advice Team answers:
Women are more sensitive when it comes to dating men and having sex. First of all because they need to trust the man who she is supposed to have sex with and second of all because they have some fears related to getting intimate with someone new.
The problem is, most women dread only the thought that someone may find out she already slept with you. This is because they fear of being labeled as easy so she might not be so excited about going back to your place even if she would also like to get into bed with you. All you have to do is reassure her that you are not the kind of guy who brags about this in front of everyone and you will keep it a secret. You will have more chances of success if you make her feel safe and respected.
Another thing women are afraid of is being raped. You will think this is pretty silly, but actually it is not. She does not know you well enough after a few dates to be sure that nothing bad will happen. She does not want to change her mind while she goes to your place and then lose control over the situation. Women are really sensitive to the idea that men might take advantage of them, so they are pretty reluctant to go home to a guy they’ve recently met. There is a solution also for this type of situation. She does not have to tell you that she is afraid you might rape her, but you can tell her from the start that no matter what happens you will respect her decision and you will not go further than she wishes to.
Women appreciate a man who respects them and pays attention to their needs. As long as you do not try to push her and make her do something she does not want, she will feel comfortable in your presence.