Jock type guys
Everyone says that women prefer intelligent men, but they always seem to go for the jock type of guys. Why?
Question from: Jim
Answer for: Jock type guys from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
Well, you shouldn’t wonder why and instead, you should meet some of those jock guys that seem to attract a lot of women and see what they do to achieve what they want. You might be surprised at what you’ll learn. It might not seem alright to you who are supposedly smarter than them but the truth is that you should go out there more and learn from anyone you meet, especailly if they are more successful at attracting women.
Many guys who are not above-average intelligent are very successful with attractive women, but that does not mean that your intelligence can’t serve you any purpose. You can learn how the jock type guys attract women and do the same as they do.