Learning from other men to attract women
You keep saying that men should find other men who successful with women and learn from them, but how should a guy do this?
Question from: Klaus
Answer for: Learning from other men to attract women from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
You can start by going out to the local hotspots and just watch what is happening. Look for beautiful women who are surrounded by guys and see how those men are acting. You can also look after men who are trying to pick up women. Some of the first things you will learn while doing this will be related to body language.
You will see the body language of men who can attract and keep women, their gestures, and their tone of voice and more importantly, you will see how women respond. It is impossible for you not to see guys really skilled in attracting women and you can try to befriend them. Just approach them and tell them that you think they are really good with women and that you would like to buy them a beer. Then, when they agree, you can start asking for tips. A beer is a small price to pay for wisdom.