Let her know you are a catch
When going out on a date, how can a guy let her know that he is a catch?
Question from: Jefferson
Answer for: Let her know you are a catch from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
There are men who are successful with women and men who are not. The difference between successful men and unsuccessful ones is that the former are always willing to walk away. We are always more interested in what we cannot have so if she knows that you are always willing to be there for her, no matter what she does, good or bad, that she is in control, holding the power, she won’t be so interested any more. Women can always tell if you are the type of guy who cares or not if everything works out. If she knows that you only have eyes for her, she won’t have any reasons to try to impress you. You have already made the decision regarding her. If she is under the impression that you two are just having fun and you will leave the moment she misbehaves, she will try to impress you and keep you around.
Avoid being a wuss and keep in mind that there is always another great woman to choose, so be selective when it comes to staying with only one girl. When you realize that you are the one who makes the decision, you will make every woman around you do whatever she can to draw your attention.