Making fun of yourself
I already know you have to be funny when going out on a date with woman. They love humor and they love being entertained, but my question is: is it funny to make fun of myself? Is self-deprecating humor attractive to women?
Question from: Matthew
Answer for: Making fun of yourself from Men Advice Team

Letsbond answers:
I never tried this type of jokes, or at least I do not remember, but don’t you think it would be better to tease her? You can “blame” her for something you might do wrong and say “You know, usually this does not happen to me, so I guess it is because you are around” and when she would tell you to shut up, you can tell her with a straight face “Oh, you like me”.
Girls like being teased as long as you do not cross the line. So be funny, make her laugh, but I do not think it is necessary to make a fool out of yourself. You can be a bit cocky, but at the same time funny. Women like men who are not trying to do anything to get under their skin.