Senior men young again

Senior men young again


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Your age will increase no matter what, but only you can choose if you want to be old at soul, too.

There is an attitude difference between a grumpy old man and a vibrant senior. If you are worried that you will lose your youth and taste for life, when these days everything is so active and colorful, you have to take some measures and change your attitude.

Here are a few tips on how to be young at heart.

1. Be realistic

The golden years are those last few decades of our existence when we come to accept the fact that we are old and that life might come to an end. These are beautiful years because you get the time to appreciate your work on Earth. Perhaps you grew a child who now has his/her own family, you loved a woman, you traveled and you learned that life is beautiful.

Now it’s time to take care of your body and soul. You should try being active and eating healthy. Your body changed and needs sustainability therefore a walk in the park, a ride with the bicycle or a bath in a swimming pool will make you feel healthier and stronger.

2. Accept the new you

Learn to love yourself. Yes, you can see how time passed by looking at your features to find your now gray hair, your fine wrinkles on the forehead and around the mouth. Still, you aged beautifully and your soul remained young. Look at yourself in the mirror and love that distinguished face. Keep a naturally happy expression on your face.

3. Get active

Physically active people are happier and more attractive. Also, those who have an active rhythm on a day to day basis will live longer and stay stronger. You don’t have to have a gym membership and hit the weights every day. Just make sure that you put your body to work in every way that makes you feel good. Go jogging, swimming or fishing. Use your muscles and free yourself of stress.

Keep away from comfortable chairs and choose to be active.

4. Use your mind

Studies show that one can prevent Alzheimer’s disease to a certain extent, if he constantly challenges his brain.

You have to keep your mind active and receptive. Read books, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, organize trips and holidays. Do whatever involves using your neurons at a maximum capacity. In this way, your mind will remain clear and interesting.

5. Learn something new

Remove all your self-limitations and do something new and exciting. If you are old, it doesn’t mean that you can’t learn or function anymore. On the contrary, you have enough wisdom and experience to learn and do almost anything. You always wanted to play the piano but you never had time? Take some piano lessons and let the music energize your body.

6. Flirt!

If you stick to friends and women of your own age you will feel comfortable and hip enough for them. Use your charm on those single ladies. Flirting gives you energy and lust for life. Even at your age, you can impress a woman with your intelligence and charm. Love is the purest when you are mature and experienced. Take advantage of your young heart and make yourself happy in the company of a woman.

Age is just a number. Yes, your body is suffering some changes and perhaps you’re not such a fast runner anymore, but your heart and mind remain young, you just have to remember yourself of this. 

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