Setting up a date in the first place
What is the best way for a guy to set up a date in the first place?
Question from: Chuck
Answer for: Setting up a date in the first place from Men Advice Team

LetsBond answers:
There are different ways to set up a date. You can even make women ask you out when talking with them on the phone. For instance, you can call a woman up and talk about interesting things that you want to do, such as rollerblading by the beach, boxing in the park, going to a restaurant where they make awesome desserts. While you are telling her in detail about your plan, she will at some point, tell you that that sounds fun, leaving you to complete the invitation or simply say that she wants to come. If by the end of the conversation she doesn’t give you any clue or doesn’t say anything about wanting to join you, you should just say that you will talk later, say bye and hang up. By not setting up a certain date when you will call her, you don’t give up your power and won’t make her either giving up hers if she calls earlier than promised.
Moreover, if you end every call with “we’ll talk later” you can keep calling her until she will ask you out. And, from my experience, if you keep calling a woman telling her about your interesting plans, she will call you when she is available because she will suppose that you are out doing something fun.