Start a conversation
Can you give me some tips on how to start a conversation with a woman?
Question from: Brock
Answer for: Start a conversation from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
What you should know in the first place is that the words you use don’t matter as much as your body language and your composure. Many guys tend to use a submissive, apologetic body language and voice tone when they first approach a woman. This makes them seem as wussies who are nervous and self-conscious about the conversation, which is not very attractive.
Most men who are successful in approaching women are cool, calm and collected and they treat the women that they are approaching as an old friend. She mustn’t see any apologetic body language or any sign of insecurity. You are not there to receive her approval. You are there to see if she is good enough for you. You have to find out if you would like to know her better not if she likes you.
If you want to know how to approach a woman you must think about the most common situations in which you are more likely to meet and approach a woman. You must think about what might be crossing through her mind at that moment, given the place and time and how she might be feeling after which you must find 10 ways to start a conversation in each specific situation.
Once you do, go approach her. Keep in mind that most successful men prefer the simplest ways to start a conversation, for example ”Hi, are you from around here?”. This line is so simple that is disarming and will help you see if the woman with whom you are trying to talk is friendly or not.
Remember: Relaxed body language is the key!