Topics of conversation when meeting a woman
What topics should a guy open when talking to a woman who he has just met?
Question from: Casey
Answer for: Topics of conversation when meeting a woman from Men Advice Team

Lets Bond answers:
It looks like you think you should have an in-depth conversation when first meeting a woman. Many men fear of approaching a woman because they don’t really know what to say or where to lead the conversation. For me, this was the biggest issue when I’ve started to learn how to attract a woman.
What I know now is that you don’t really have to have a conversation with a woman when you first meet. You just have to get her number.
In the article’s section of the there are plenty of articles which teach you how to successfully get her e-mail address and phone number in just a few minutes.
If you want to truly attract her, you will have to do more than just get her number, but to answer solely on your question this is what you will have to do when first meeting her. As stated before, it should only take a few minutes because long conversations won’t help you do it.