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Questions and Answers

    How to find women when still living at home?

    I am 42 years old, I have never been married and I want to start a relationship. My biggest problem is that I still live with my parents. I still live with them not because I can’t move out, but because I have a serious stomach disorder and I needed help since I was 25 years old.

    How and where can I meet women? What can I do to not be rejected due to my living situation?

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    My wife left me. What should I do?

    We have been married for 29 years when my wife told me that she’d met someone else, she doesn’t love me and that she is leaving me. I am now 66 years old and I am feeling lost. My wife was my entire life. I don’t have too many friends either. What should I do besides being positive and confident?

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    How do I know if she is real?

    When meeting someone online, how do I know if the person whom I am talking to is real and not a hoax? This is why sometimes I dread meeting someone online. I don’t want to be disappointed.

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    Dating on five different online dating sites. What else can I do?

    I have been trying to find a date on five different online dating sites and I couldn’t find anyone. I am wondering if it is my fault because all I want is to find someone who wants real commitment. What else can I do? 

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    Why women don’t respond to my feelings?

    Every time I open up to a woman and tell her intimate things about myself, pouring my heart out, she doesn’t respond. I am honest and sincere so why do women not respond to that?

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    What should I do if my girlfriend seems bored in our relationship?

    What should I do if I feel like my girlfriend is getting bored in our relationship? I do not want to lose her because I love her very much, but sometimes I have the impression that she is not satisfied with our relationship anymore.

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    What do women want in life?

    I am having this question with no answer: What does a woman want in life?

    I want to make a woman happy so I would like to know from experts what does a woman need and wants in her life to be fulfilled? 

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    How to speed up the recovery process?

    I met her in the same day she broke up with her ex-boyfriend. Since then it’s been one month and a half. We hang out every day but we act as friends. She said that she still needs time to recover from her ex. What can I do to speed up the process?

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    What to do if she broke up with me?

    I am 19 and I have just lost my girlfriend. We were dating for a couple of months now. I know we haven’t been together long, but I really fell for her. She broke up with me because she said I was too clingy and now she has a new boyfriend. It is really painful for me to see her with another guy, but I do not think it would be right to interfere between them. What should I do?

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    How can I move on after an unpleasant divorce?

    I am a 52 years old and I just got out of an extremely unpleasant divorce. I had a 27 years long marriage which I thought it was going great. I recently found out that my wife had several long-term partners while she was married to me, so you can imagine my heartbreak. How am I supposed to meet new women now?

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    How to deal with a jealous girlfriend?

    How to deal with a jealous girlfriend? We are always fighting because she always suspects me of cheating on her. Sometimes I feel that I cannot go on like this anymore, but I really wish there was something I could do. Do you have any advice?

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    When should I take into consideration getting back with my ex-girlfriend?

    When should I take into consideration getting back with my ex-girlfriend? We had a great relationship, with ups and downs like any other couple, but now I realize I miss her and I think she is also still interested in me. What should I do?

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    Getting involved or not?

    Hi, I am 23 and I’ve met this wonderful 32 year old woman who is simply amazing. When we’ve met have we had a great conversation and we’ve really connected. She lives in another city and I don’t quite know if she likes me as a friend or if she would like to go on a date with me. She gave me her e-mail and said that we should keep in touch. I am really attracted to her. What do you think I should do?

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    Do long-distance relationships work?

    Do long-distance relationships work?

    I have been in a long-distance relationship with this girl for two years. I am from France and she is from the US so I have been travelling back and forth a lot for the past years. Now she tells me she met a guy and he is hitting on her. They are talking and texting very often and I do not know what I can possibly do to fix this. Did I already lose the battle?

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    Do I have to stop seeing other people?

    I have been seeing someone casually for 3 months and despite the fact that I see it as casual, she thinks otherwise. I have promised her I wouldn’t sleep with someone else while with her but I have been dating and now she gave me an ultimatum. What should I do?

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    Are dating sites filled with players?

     I have been using online dating websites for almost 3 years now and I still could not find any serious and responsible woman who would like to start a family. I have only met players and people who are not sure what they want from a relationship. Is the Internet really filled with players?

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    The importance of social status

    How important is the social status when seeking a potential partner, i.e., money job, career, etc.?

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    Weak and predictable?

     If I am being really nice to a girl and take into consideration whatever she says, will she friend-zone me?

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    What does “I need some time for myself” mean?

    I have been dating this girl three times now and I thought things were going in the right direction. Last night she told me she needs some time for herself and she needs to figure out whether she is ready to be in a relationship or not. Should I be patient and wait for her?

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    Getting back with your ex

    My girlfriend and I broke up almost a year ago. These days we’ve randomly met on the street and I asked her out for a coffee. She seems really excited. Do you think there is a chance we might get back together? The truth is I have been missing her ever since we broke up.

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    Surprise her if you are into her Surprise her if you are into her

    Is it ok for a man to surprise a woman by buying her gifts or taking her to dinner if he is really into her?

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    Trying to impress a woman Trying to impress a woman

    When it comes to impressing women, most men choose to take her out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Does this work?

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    Birthday gifts

    I used to have a crush on a colleague of mine who is three years older than me. I started using the cocky and funny technique with her and after managing to get a date with her, I realized she was all I hoped for. What I want to ask you is: what should I get her as a birthday gift?

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    Are nice women also attracted to bold guys?

    I’ve noticed that you are always preaching confidence and attitude to men in order to get the women they want, but does this attitude also attract nice girls?

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    Obsessed women

    After learning about attracting women techniques, such as cocky and funny, I’ve been going out on dates twice as much as I used to, but some of these women get obsessed. How can I turn them away afterwards? I am dating my boss’ daughter who is totally into me and who wants to turn me into a nice guy. How can I end this without hurting her and without being a wuss?

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    Serious relationship girl Serious relationship girl

    What should a man do when he meets a woman with whom he would like to start a serious relationship?

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    Freezing up when talking to a woman Freezing up when talking to a woman

    How can I stop “freezing up” when talking to a woman?

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    Approaching a woman Approaching a woman

    How can I approach a woman in such a way to differentiate myself from other men who she sees as jerks trying to get her into their bed?

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    Gifts when in a relationship Gifts when in a relationship

    Is it alright to start buying her flowers and start doing special things for her once we are in a relationship?

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    What’s next after you get her e-mail?

     Hello! I have read your advice about being confident when walking up to women and I did everything by the book. I went to a woman I liked and asked her for her e-mail address; I have to admit it was a success, but now I have no idea what to do next and how to do it. What do you advise me?

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    Are women always testing men?

     I know that women have a different approach when dating men, but do you believe that dating them is a continuous test? Are they really judging us according to every answer we give them and every gesture we make? How can a man pass all these tests?

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    Getting away from obsessed women Getting away from obsessed women

    Some of the women I’m dating sometimes get obsessed. How can I turn them away? I am dating my boss’ daughter who is totally into me and who wants to turn me into a nice guy. How can I end this without hurting her and without being a wuss?

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    Dealing with multiple women Dealing with multiple women

    I have met many women but most of them want me to commit to them, but I am not ready for a relationship now. They do not agree when I explain it to them and call me selfish or ask me to leave. That is why I am asking you how can I deal with multiple girlfriends?

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    Refusing intimacy Refusing intimacy

    I have been dating someone for a few weeks now. Unfortunately, she barely touches me and doesn’t do anything to satisfy me from a sexual point of view. How should I take this? Should I stop pleasuring her too? I don’t think that it would be very productive. Any suggestions?

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    More friends with benefits More friends with benefits

    I hooked up with many women who were attracted to me, but they found out about one another and now I am the bad guy. How can I avoid this from happening in the future? How can I have intimate relationships with all of them without them getting mad at me? 

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    Keep women from wanting a relationship

    I have had a serious relationship for 5 years and now, after we broke up I decided I want to meet women, but I do not want to get involved in a relationship for now. How can I date several women at the same time, but  keep them from wanting a relationship?

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    How to write her an e-mail

    I am not so good at picking up girls and whenever I manage to get a girl’s e-mail address, she does not answer back. What can I do?

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    Million dollar question Million dollar question

    One of the girls I’ve been dating noticed that I’m veru successful with women and started asking me if it is only sex that I want. I didn’t answer anything and she eventually left. What was I supposed to tell her? What if she asks me the million-dollar question again?

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    When is it appropriate to make a move on her?

    I was always wondering how long I have to date a woman before I make a move on her and take it to the next level. Is there a specific timeline to follow in this way, or you just go with the flow?

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